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Environmental Protection

Environmental protection is one of the most important tasks that the contemporary society is facing. The increasingly fast development of technology makes peoples life easier and more comfortable every day. At the same time, the development has also caused excessive exploitation of natural resources, disturbing this balance on a global scale.

Because of this, environmental protection is the subject of research of numerous natural and social sciences in scientific-research centers in our country and abroad. The Museum of Science and Technology is following the development of the field of environmental protection in Serbia, stimulating the development of environmental awareness and environmental education.

уторак - недеља 11-18ч

300 динара – појединачна карта 500 динара – породична карта

Музеј науке и технике Скендербегова 51 11158 Београд (Градски превоз: трамваји 2, 5, 10, аутобуси 26, 79)