
Solar cell module

Manufacturer: Institute for Nuclear Sciences Vinča - Vinča Solar

Place and time of production: Belgrade, SFRY, 1977/1978

Dimensions (cm): Ø 5 . 0.003

Inventory number: Т:115.7


The first domestic research into the development of solar technology began at the Physics Laboratory at the Institute for Nuclear Sciences Vinča in Belgrade. The first solar cell, manufactured in 1977, was the invention of prof. Marko Stanojević, Institute’s collaborator. It was fully manufactured using local technology and local material — Silica monocrystal. The same year, the first solar module was also manufactured at the Institute. 

The first solar panel, with 500 W power, manufactured at the Institute in 1978, was presented at the International Fair in Belgrade, Solar, which was dedicated to solar technology and renewable energy sources. That same year, the Institute opened a facility for the production of solar cells and panels at the electronic tubes factory of the Electrical Industry Niš.

This type of panel was used at the Vinča Institute in 1979, as the first autonomous solar power station for production of monophasic alternating current and it powered computer systems at the Physics Laboratory. The same system was used by Yugoslav Army and at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad. 

The first solar power station connected to power grid, was installed in 2003 at the Elementary School Dušan Jerković in Ruma.

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