Carriage Forward, the Rest Halt!

Mundy-type medical carriage

Constructor: Jaroslav fon Mundy

Место и време настанка: Аустроугарска, око 1870. године

Dimensions (cm): 310 . 150 . 220

Inventory number: Т:12.15


Ambulance carriages are vehicles adapted for evacuation and transport of the sick and injured. Constructed in the 19th century, they were also used in the First World War. There were several types of ambulance carriages and one of them was the model constructed in the late 1860s by Austrian-Hungarian physician Jaromir von Mundy (1822–1894). During the First Serbian-Ottoman War (1876–1877), Mundy was an inspector of the foreign medical missions in Serbia. At that time, Serbian Medical Corps procured a certain number of ambulances, and it is assumed that among them, there was also a Mundy-type carriage. The carriage that the Museum purchased in 2010 was the property of the Children’s Theatre in Kikinda, then Austro-Hungary, therefore, we cannot know for certain if it was used by the Serbian or the Austrian-Hungarian Medical Corps. 

The carriage was made of oak wood with metal reinforcements. The comfort of the driver and the patient was secured by seven leaf springs. For hygienic reasons, the interior was lined with galvanized sheet, while the floor was sloping towards the door. The carriage was intended for the transport of one lying patient. Mundy-type carriage is the only surviving ambulance carriage in Serbia. 



уторак - недеља 11-18ч

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Музеј науке и технике Скендербегова 51 11158 Београд (Градски превоз: трамваји 2, 5, 10, аутобуси 26, 79)