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Museum of Spa Therapy

The permanent exhibition "Museum of Spa Treatment" is located in Vrnjačka Banja and is dedicated to the largest spa treatment center in Serbia with a tradition of 150 years.

With over 180 exhibits, photos, documents, postcards from the fund, within the permanent exhibition "Museum of Spa Treatment", the principles of spa treatment, therapeutic treatments with mineral waters, hygienic-dietary regime in which the choice of food, rest and relaxation, stay in nature and social life play an important role are presented. Attention is paid to all aspects of spa treatment and life, including the experiences of patients, doctors and spa guests.

The concept of preserving and improving health, founded and promoted in Serbia at the beginning of the 20th century, gave a strong impetus to the development of spa tourism, which even today, in addition to treatment and rehabilitation, offers visitors a variety of cultural contents. With this permanent exhibition, the Museum of Science and Technology contributes to the cultural and touristic offer of Vrnjačka Banja.

The Department of the Museum of Science and Technology - Museum of Spa Treatment is located at Vrnjačka Street 22, 1st floor, in Vrnjačka Banja.

Jelena Jovanović Simić, Senior curator

уторак - недеља 11-18ч

300 динара – појединачна карта 500 динара – породична карта

Музеј науке и технике Скендербегова 51 11158 Београд (Градски превоз: трамваји 2, 5, 10, аутобуси 26, 79)