Professional Departments
Делатност Музеја у области заштите културне баштине обухвата разне области историје науке и технике, које су груписане у шеснаест стручних одсека. Називи стручних одсека одређују природу музејских збирки у оквиру одсека.
- Audio-visual Technology
- Measuring and computing
- Communications
- Materials and Technology
- Машинство и механика
- Energy
- Architecture and construction
- Саобраћај и транспорт
- Man and His Technical Environment
- History of medicine
- Astrogeosciences
- Automation and Robotics
- Man and His Technical Environment
- History of medicine
- Astrogeosciences
- Automation and Robotics
- Environmental Protection
- Industrial heritage
- Industrial design
Audio-visual Technology
Section of audio-visual technologies through its collections and exhibits brings closer to the visitors certain phenomena and scientific principles that should have been first discovered and then implemented in final and visible technical solutions. Through one museum exhibit, we can see an entire series of scientific discoveries, creative solutions and the width of human thinking. The path from idea to finished product that has a value in use is very long, but exactly that eternal desire for knowledge and discovering new is what drives the humanity.
- Радиоапарати (т:9)
- Студијски апарати за медије (т:8)
- Оптички инструменти (т:125)
- Фототехника (т:16)
- ТВ и видео апарати (т:10)